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Autism, Covid-19 lockdown and school support
Positives from the Covid 19 lockdown
How to support your child with autism in lockdown
Supporting Children on the Autism Spectrum During COVID-19 | Connecting Point | Sept. 8, 2020
Lockdown on the spectrum: What the autistic community has learnt during the pandemic | ABC News
Jonathan Green - Supporting autistic children and young people during COVID-19 #EmergingMinds
COVID-19 poses challenges for students with autism
Autism and the Covid-19 Pandemic How Technology Can Support Equitable Global Response and Recovery
SA Lockdown Day 2 I Autism SA supports caregivers: Vicky Lamb
Strategies to Support Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder ASD during the COVID 19 Pandemic.
Autism during COVID-19
Back to school after lockdown: school reintegration & youth mental health - #EmergingMinds webinar